

Download   NeanderART2018   program


Academic sessions toke place from 22 to 24 August 2018, and have been followed by field trips to Neandertal sites on 25 and 26 August (Fumane Cave, Verona, and Ciota Ciara Cave, Borgosesia).

August, 22 | Campus “Luigi Einaudi”

Morning | registration and opening conference

Opening of the three parallel sessions.

Lunch break | Afternoon*

Conferences in the three parallel sessions.

August, 23 | Campus “Luigi Einaudi”


Conferences in the three parallel sessions.

Lunch break | Afternoon*

Conferences in the three parallel sessions.

August, 24 | Campus “Luigi Einaudi”


Conferences in the three parallel sessions.

Lunch break | Afternoon

Conferences in the three parallel sessions.

Farewell dinner

* Cultural activities have been organized during the days of the conference in Turin (museums, galleries, monuments, organized tours, etc.).


August, 25 | Field Trip to Fumane Cave



August, 26 | Field Trip to Ciota Ciara, Borgosesia